Tuesday, March 4, 2008


i think this is possibly the most useful thing i've ever found.
i spend tonnes of time jumping around different websites trying to stay up to date with all kinds of things, books, movies, news, weather, blogs and blah blah blah.
this thing puts them all in one place, you just click on the one you want and it instantly gives you the updates since you last looked, all on one page, no spammy crap. outstanding!
just within the "quickpicks" that bloglines provides, i found about 15 different sites that were both fascinating and educational. look out for my dictionary.com words of the day!
i would love to spend some more time looking around to find more links, especially more australian sites for news/weather etc, also my friends' websites would be great. i joined a couple of new york times blog thingys and news feeds that are so interesting.
i honestly think i will keep using this site. 5 stars. xx


well well well. that thing that has interested me the most about technology lately would have to be my return to university studies. i was thinking...uni = lectures, tutes, notebooks.... not exactly the case anymore. during my first lecture in anthropology i am told, "dont bother coming if its hard to fit in...or you cant be bothered....all the lectures are available as audio podcasts from the onlines studies website. oh and so are the powerpoint presentations. and the study notes. and the required readings." i mean seriously, i dont even really need to go. hey, why am i bothering to buy textbooks?
but tutorials are still important, right? for discussion, constructive criticism, bouncing ideas.....not really. there are student forums for every subject, even every tutorial class - you guessed it, on the website.
i dont even need to borrow from the library, as all the journal articles, and even some books are available directly from the catalogue website from home, while im snuggly in my bed on my laptop. fantastic!
it seems that now more than ever, off campus study is becoming easier, with more accessible information, wider channels of communication and the handy dandy internet. sweeeet! xx

Still Week 3: moooore flickr

so i had a squiz at some flickr mashups and 3rd party sites, some of them seem quite good. i'd say my favourite would be mapr. i figure when you upload your own pictures to your flickr account, you add tags to show where the photos were taken. then these are converted to a world map and are clickable from there. this would be a fantastic way to document a big project like world travel, especially if your friends and family joined up and were able to follow your travels by clicking on the map. very cool. xx

LOL Cats - Taunt on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

LOL Cats - Taunt on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
This is a link to a lol cat picture. Makes me laugh out loud even when I'm all by myself haha. :)

I've never used flickr before, and I can't believe I'd never even heard of it! Fantastic way to find photos, and if more people you knew used it, it would be a great way to share things. xx

week 2:blogging

Ta Da! Blog created wooooo. I am blog master. xx